About Us

There are presently 8 egg farmers on PEI. We produced 3,304,300 dozen eggs in 2012.
About 50% of the eggs produced on the Island are consumed by Islanders. The remainder of the eggs are consumed in food product distributed across Canada.

Egg Farmers of PEI (EFPEI) is a not-for-profit organization, which receives its powers Under the Natural Products Marketing Act, R.S.P.E.I.1988, Cap. N-3, the Egg Commodity Marketing Regulations and the Prince Edward Island Egg Order made pursuant to the Agricultural Products Marketing Act (Canada). EFPEI is provided with all the powers necessary to enable it to effectively promote, control and regulate the marketing of eggs within the province including the power to prohibit any aspect of the marketing of eggs.

EFPEI represents the province’s 7 registered egg farmers, who are dedicated to providing Prince Edward Island with a stable supply of fresh, high quality, nutritious, locally produced eggs. Egg farmers on PEI produce approximately 3.75 million dozen eggs a year and continue to grow each year. About 55% of the eggs produced on the Island are consumed by Islanders. The remainder of the eggs are consumed in other Maritime Provinces or are processed in food products and distributed across Canada.

All registered PEI egg farmers follow:
  • The Recommended Code of Practice for the care and handling of birds. This Code is supported by science and was developed collaboratively with organizations including the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency in conjunction with poultry scientists and farmers.
  • The Start Clean-Stay Clean™ on-farm food safety program. Our farms are inspected and scored by Field Inspectors according to this HACCP based program which is recognized as technically sound by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
  • An Environmental Farm Plan. Each of our farmers has developed an environmental farm plan specific to their farm to safeguard our precious Island environment. These plans are based on provincial government guidelines.
  • Approved guidelines regarding the use of medication. Hens that lay eggs are not given any steroids or hormones.
Animal Care Program: Ensuring their hens are always well cared for.

Canadian egg farmers take part in a comprehensive, national Animal Care Program. As part of this program, trained field inspectors visit the farm to ensure that hens have a comfortable environment, a well-balanced and nutritious diet, fresh water and clean surroundings.

The program is based on the Code of Practice, developed by farmers, Canada’s top veterinarians and experts in animal care as well as representatives from the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.